Major Integra series firmware updates | November, 2017

82017 November

Major Integra series firmware updates are now available in > downloads section.

Integra/-S/-G/-GS firmware V3.7.6

  • Implemented 1+1 - Hot Standby
  • Upgraded DropbearSSH and OpenSSL versions
  • Improved Aggregation 2+0 with STP functionality

Integra-W & Integra-WS firmware V3.7.6 (out-band)

  • Implemented Link state propagation (LSP) functionality
  • Upgraded DropbearSSH and OpenSSL versions

A step-by-step guide on upgrading your firmware:

Note! Before firmware upgrade please read included instructions

The full changelog can be found in a .txt file inside the archive.

Note! The latest Integra-W/-WS inband firmware version remains V3.6.19

If you have any questions and need assistance with the upgrade, please contact SAF Tech Support

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